Tuesday 13 May 2008

Thursday May 15 – God’s Love


So as the Holy Spirit fills us we begin to dream God’s dreams and gain glimpses of God’s vision. As we gain these glimpses, so are we privy to God’s nature and priorities. We begin to sense something of God’s incredible love for all the world, and of how that love cannot be hemmed in or constrained in any way.

And when we become aware of the sheer depth of that love, as we feel the warmth of its embrace, and sense something of its remarkable vision for whole world; how can we not be changed by it? How can we not be empowered by it, encouraged, filled, transformed, and moved on and out beyond ourselves?!

Just like these first disciples were so radically changed in that Pentecost moment. Yes, they had seen the love of Jesus on the cross, they had seen the power of the Resurrection, but now the Holy Spirit lived within them, they tasted it, drank it, they felt its raw power course through their souls like a wild wind or runaway bush fire. It burst forth from their lips in unconstrained praise. And they were changed, they were changed from a scared rabble into the Church, they were changed from people who worshipped behind closed doors to a people whose worship engaged them with the world, and offered others the hope and love of God.

They saw for themselves how this love of God included all people of every race, colour, and tongue and so they were transformed into a community that reflected that. They became an enemy forgiving, stranger embracing, sacrificially loving, generously sharing, God worshipping, Kingdom envisioning, Holy Spirit filled community!

Where we can be so prone to place boundaries on love, where we so easily put down conditions and stipulations on our love, where we are so ready to exclude; the love of God can NEVER be contained in such manner and will always be reaching out beyond margins, and past rules & regulations.

The Holy Spirit brings with him a love that sweeps out into all world with Good News, and would sweep all disciples along with as well. Followers of Christ are never in control of this Spirit, and we are often brought into uncomfortable, difficult to understand and downright scary circumstances. But remember that the very nature of love means that we can trust in all things and through all things.

That although our lives will never be the same, we need never look back, because ultimately life’s truest purpose and deepest meaning is found in this love of God.


Lord our God, because love is so integral to your nature, it goes without saying that being filled with your Spirit would mean that we will be filled with your Love as well. And so we pray that you would indeed fill us with your Spirit and your Love, as uncomfortable as that may become for us, help us to allow your Holy Spirit to sweep us up as you move out into the world. Help us to be living messages of your Spirit of Love. In Christ name we pray. Amen.


Acts 2. 36 39

“Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ."

When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."