Monday 18 August 2008

Monday 18th August - Will!


‘Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’

This line in the Lord’s Prayer contains a powerful image meant to capture our imaginations: That when God’s will is done by ordinary individuals like you and me, then something of heaven meets something of earth.

Now this is by no means a new thought invented by Jesus - that the heavens and earth would meet when God’s will is done. The ancient Jews believed the Temple, quite literally, was a physical place where heaven and earth integrated.

They knew that even the very best of them was bound to mess up at times and so couldn’t keep the Law perfectly. This is why they believed that the Temple with its systems and structures, daily worship and regular sacrifices, kept the Law perfectly and therefore did God’s will perfectly on behalf of the whole nation.

This perfection meant the Temple was a place of immense divine presence. It was where heaven and earth kissed, and the whole world was made lighter for the experience.

However, Jesus didn’t necessarily see the Temple in this way. He agreed that doing God’s will was a moment where heaven would meet earth, (we see that in the Lord’s Prayer), but Jesus consistently taught that good deeds of keeping Law was not central to God’s will.

Rather relationship is.

Loving and vulnerable intimacy with God and through God with others. God’s will is not about buildings but people, it’s not about outward religious practices but relationship, and then, and let’s be clear about this, it is about the deeds that flow out of that relationship.

This relationship with God is opened up to us through Christ. This is why Jesus spoke of tearing down the Temple and replacing it in 3 days. He was teaching that God’s will shall be done and heaven would meet earth not through systems and structures, but through a loving relationship with God.

How do conversations about the will of God make you feel?


Loving and Gracious God, through this week’s devotions may you open us up to your will. May you teach us obedience and courage. May you fire up our spiritual imaginations to see the endless possibilities of heaven meeting earth through our relationship with you. Amen.


Matthew 6 : 9-10 NRSV

Pray then this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.