Monday 1 September 2008

Monday 1st September - Finding Forgiveness


There is a lovely story set in medieval times of two monks who were on a long journey through a great forest. The first monk was middle-aged, had been in the monastic order for years and was renowned for his wisdom. The second monk was a young novice. As they walked along the forest’s winding path, the hours went quickly by, sometimes they were in conversation, and other times they were silent.
At one point they came upon a wide, rapid stream. Sitting at the edge of the water was a young woman who was evidently very distressed. When she saw the two monks, a look of relief crossed her face and she stood up to address the older of the two, "Father, you would be doing me the greatest of favours if you would agree to carry me across the river. The water is swift and I do not know how to swim. If I should slip I may drown.”

"Of course, my child," the monk replied, "I would most willing to carry you across."

The novice shot his companion a surprised glance, for under the rules of their particular order, they were strictly forbidden to touch women. Nevertheless, the older monk took the woman in his arms, and carried her safely across. After she thanked them both she went on her way, and the monks continued their journey.

There was silence between them for an hour, and then two. Finally, the younger monk mustered up his courage to speak. "Father," he said, "you know that we are not allowed to touch women."
"Yes, I know that," he replied.
"Then how could you carry that woman across the stream?"
“My son," the older man said, "I put that young woman down two hours ago. But you are STILL carrying her."

This story sums up what Jesus teaches so powerfully in the Lord’s Prayer - that to not forgive is like carrying around a burden within our hearts. More than that, we are also taught that our own forgiveness is founded in our willingness to forgive others – ‘Forgive us our debts AS WE ALSO HAVE forgiven our debtors.’

Eugene Peterson says that “In the same way that bread is a basic need for the body, forgiveness is the basic need of the spirit.” Yet, forgiveness is a very difficult and painful process for many, seeming utterly impossible at times.

How do you handle forgiveness? Do you find it easy to let go of the hurts others have caused you, or do you struggle to let go? Is there something burning within your soul at the moment – some hurt you have received that you refuse to forgive? Perhaps you have been a victim of crime, or abuse and no matter what you do, you cannot let go of the anger and pain within?

Or perhaps you have caused someone else grievous pain and have refused to ask forgiveness? Whatever it is, know that it is not God’s desire for you to carry the burden of that pain for the rest of your days.

Whenever we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are challenged to wrestle with the difficulties of forgiveness. Jesus will never let us forget how important the process of forgiving is, but we are encouraged to do so with the knowledge that God’s own love and forgiveness offers to heal us and set us free.


Lord God, thank-you for the incredible way you have always forgiven me of my sins. Help me to acknowledge where there is a lack of forgiveness within me, and bring me to a place where I can let go of the bitterness and hurt within. Amen.


Luke 6:37

Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.