Monday 8 December 2008

Tuesday 9th December - The God Squad


Usually, at my family’s house at Thanksgiving, it is a member of the “God Squad” who is “invited” – aka required…to kick off the meal by praying and sharing thanks around the Thanksgiving table. The God Squad is comprised of all pastors and all those studying to be pastors. It’s the same kind of effect that happens at many meal or group gatherings when a clergy member is present. Often, the pastor is called on to pray. Now, please don’t read this as a complaint! I find praying for and with people one of the greatest delights and privileges of my job.

However, what concerns me about this phenomenon is the sense of fear or inadequacy that seems to surround peoples’ requests to have the “professional” pray.

Have you ever felt like you don’t know how to pray? Does this make you feel self-conscious or as though you’d rather “leave it to the pros?”

Well, when it is my turn to lead my family’s prayers of thanksgiving, it is my joy to turn the tables, asking us all to share with one another something from the past year for which we are thankful. As we go around the table, from one person to the next, I have learned more about giving thanks to one another and to God than I ever would have learned by simply taking over the role of “pray-er” myself.

We learn to be thankful by hearing the thanks of others. We learn to share our struggles by hearing the struggles of others. And, we learn to pray by hearing and sharing the prayers of others.

It is during these times of hearing the “unprofessional” prayers and thanks of people around me that I learn better how to pray and be in honest relationships with God and other people.

And so, know today that you don’t have to be a member of the God Squad to pray, thanking God for good gifts, thanking other people for the ways they have blessed your life, and admitting to God and others when you’re not feeling so thankful. Giving thanks and praying is about honesty. It is about being truthful with others and God about who you are, whether that comes out of your mouth eloquently or in a fumbling whisper. God wants us to share our lives with Him and with one another. So, don’t leave it up to the pros. Consider joining the God Squad of everyone in the world that wants this kind of relationship today.


Philippians 4:6-7

…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Gracious God,

You have given us voices to speak and ears to hear. Help us not to let feelings of fear or inadequacy hinder the sharing of our thanks and our whole lives in ways that you desire to be life-giving. Thank you for enabling us to be bold in the ways that we can reach out to you and others. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.