Tuesday 24 August 2010

Digging for Gold


In our devotions this week we’re taking a closer look at the Old Testament. Yesterday the point was made that the Old Testament is largely ignored by many Christians, even though they regard it as part of the word of God.

Today we ask the question ‘Why?’ Why is the Old Testament neglected? Maybe you’d like to reflect on your own reasons why you don’t read the Old Testament more than you do.

Some of the reasons for this unfortunate state of affairs would include the following:

  1. The Old Testament is often hard to understand. It is written in an historical & cultural context that is very distant from where we are today, which sometimes makes it hard to get into.
  2. It is regarded as ‘Old’ – that it has been superseded by the New Testament and so is largely irrelevant to people’s lives today. This is a misperception.
  3. The picture of God that is painted in the Old Testament seems to be at odds with what we see revealed in Jesus, especially in the violent & bloodthirsty parts. This is also a misperception that arises from a superficial reading of the text, but it nevertheless puts some people off the Old Testament altogether.
  4. Parts of the Old Testament are just plain boring – especially if you think of some of the lengthy lists, geneaologies and cultic regulations that you find in books like Leviticus and Numbers. (Of course, nothing is ever boring if you truly understand what it is about and what it’s pointing to.)
All of these reasons why the Old Testament is neglected suggest that the problem is not actually with the Old Testament per se, but rather the lack of insight, depth and understanding that is brought to the reading of the Old Testament.

Clearly there are many challenges that confront us in the reading and interpreting of the Old Testament. And so, any serious attempt to read the Old Testament in a meaningful and legitimate way must take these challenges seriously. The encouraging news is that even though it may be demanding, the treasures for our faith that the Old Testament promises are abundant indeed. Much like digging for gold, those who are willing to sharpen the tools necessary to drill through the hard rock of history and cultural context as they dig deep in the diverse writings of the Old Testament, will be richly rewarded.


Dear Lord God, help me to be disciplined and serious about reading and studying your word. Remind me that even when I’m reading parts that I struggle to understand, your Spirit is available to help me in my weakness. Give to me an enquiring mind, a receptive heart and a persevering spirit as I dig for the gold that the Scriptures contain. Amen


2 Timothy 3:16-17

‘All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.

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