Wednesday 5 October 2011

Thoughts – Part 3


We are responsible for every thought we allow our minds to dwell upon.

Of course no one can control every thought that pops into their heads – tempting and tantalizing images of greed, envy, hatred or lust. But we are 100% responsible for what we allow our thoughts to dwell upon, what we linger upon, what thoughts we actively entertain in the living room of our minds.

In fact, try to picture your mind as a living room. You have invited Jesus into that room – as you looked around what would you find?

What posters or pictures would adorn the room, what shows would be playing on the TV. How would the room be furnished and what would be the condition of that furnishing? How messy would the room be and what would be hidden at the bottom of the living room closet?

Only you can answer those questions because only you will know that true extent of what your mind ‘dwells’ upon and only you can take responsibility for that.

Many of us allow our minds to be filled with all sort of potentially destructive matters. This is why Paul urges us to take captive every thought for Christ and also encourages us to actively think about things that are noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable.

In other words, when it comes to the renovation of our minds, we don’t sit back on an easy chair watching God work away. No, we play an active part as we take fully responsibility for everything that we allow to live in our minds. Perhaps the very first renovation job Jesus would do is to say to us: ‘Now grow up, accept the responsibility you have in your own thought life.’

This is why Paul’s words are very ‘action’ orientated as he encourages us to quickly show the door to every negative and potentially destructive thought that enters our mind, and then to welcome in everything that is good and Life-giving.

Spend some time today more carefully analysing your thought life. Write down what you think about when you lie awake in bed at night, or when you have a quiet moment. What exactly is the content of your favourite daydreams? Try to consider how these thoughts may affect you and shape your character. Can you notice anything that is potentially destructive or that may be having a negative effect on you in anyway?

Write down your thoughts and then pray the following prayer.


God of Peace, we confess to you the times we allow our thoughts to dwell upon anything that is greedy, hateful, envious, lustful or hopelessly negative. Forgive us for actively entertaining matters within the living room of our minds that harmfully shapes our characters and is potentially destructive to us and our fellow human beings. We take full responsibility for this and ask that you would give us the strength to capture every thought for you, and to fill our minds with everything that is Christ-like and Life-giving. Amen.


Philippians 4:8-9

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me — put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

(This week's BDC was written by Rev Gareth Killeen).

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