Monday 16 June 2008

Monday 16th June - Youth Day


Today is a public holiday as we celebrate, as a nation, Youth Day. It’s a day when we specifically remember the tragic events in Soweto 32 years ago, when schoolchildren took up the struggle for freedom in this country in a whole new way. We should be grateful for the sacrifice that those young people made, and for their contribution to bringing down an evil and oppressive political system.

And yet, our remembrance today should be a sobering reminder to us all of the tragedy of the innocence of youth being lost too soon – of children having to grow up before their time. The carefreeness of childhood – being able to play, and learn, and laugh, and run, and splash through mud puddles without any concern for clothes getting dirty, and fall asleep at night in a warm bed with a full tummy, feeling safe and secure and loved – this is what childhood should be all about. Is this too much to ask?

Sadly, we know we live in a world where millions of children are trapped in the relentless grind of abject poverty, countless others endure abuse and assault as a daily reality, and alarmingly large numbers of children are being orphaned by AIDS.

For those of us who are adults, and especially parents, today is an opportunity to reflect on the world we are bequeathing to our children, not just as their future inheritance, but as a present reality that is influencing now who they will be for the rest of their lives. As we stop our usual work and responsibilities on this public holiday, we would be wise to reflect on what is truly important and what our children really need. To ask ourselves what it will take to be the kind of adults, parents, relatives and friends that all the children among us deserve.


Gracious God, you are our loving heavenly parent. Like a strong and compassionate Father you love us, believe in us, provide for us and protect us. Like a strong and compassionate Mother you love us, nurture us, care for us and console us. Truly, we are all beloved children in your sight, and we thank you. Help us today to recognise the further part that we can play in offering greater love, care and protection to the little ones who have a special place in your heart – namely the children in our midst. Thank you for the gift of young people, for the joys and the holy demands their presence brings into our lives. Bless all young people today, especially those who suffer in any way. Amen.

Psalm 103:13

“As a father has compassion for his children, so the LORD has compassion for those who fear him.”