Monday 9 June 2008

Monday 9th June - When it feels as if God has let you down


Throughout the ages almost every culture has had their hero stories. Our own culture is full of them from James Bond to Rocky Balboa to Neo from the Matrix. Now these heroes’s may have their weaknesses such as Achilles’ heel, Beowulf’s vanity and Church Norris’ hairstyle, but this never prevented them from standing bravely against great odds until the bitter end.

This is why literature experts agree that Israel is fairly unique amongst cultures in that they just did not have this type of hero story. Of course they had stories about people who were quite heroic in the faith, but it was always made fundamentally clear that apart from God, these heroes were nothing.

Look at this brief list: Abraham was a liar, Jacob a thief, Moses had a murderous temper and David was an adulterer. Yes, they achieved wonderful things against great odds but the Bible makes it clear that their own brilliance or bravery had NOTHING to do with it. On the contrary these achievements were often accomplished despite them.

Perhaps nowhere is this lack of the heroic seen more clearly than in the story of Elijah. Elijah was another in a long list of very flawed, but very real Biblical characters. Really, this is the genius of these stories because we can so easily relate to their experiences and weaknesses and therefore begin to appreciate how God’s grace covers over human failings. We begin to suspect that if God is willing to use even them, then perhaps he might be willing to work with us as well.

This week we will be travelling with Elijah through one of his darkest times. In this particular story Elijah lands up in a cave - a cave which although real, was also symbolic in many ways. It represented the darkness of this period of his life, because he felt so betrayed and abandoned by God.

However, while this story makes it clear that Elijah feels spiritually dry and isolated; it also affirms the presence of God in some quite remarkable ways.
Start by reading through the whole story (see focus reading). Jot down any thoughts or feelings that an initial reading of this story brings to you.


Gracious God, thank you for the gift of the Bible which is a testimony like no other in this world. Thank you for the many inspired stories which are always so very real to us. Thank you for its overwhelming message that you can use us even with all our flaws and imperfections. We ask that through this week you would use the particular story of Elijah to open our minds and hearts to you in new ways. Amen.


Read 1 Kings 18 & 19