Friday 31 July 2009

Pressing on towards the Goal


One of the best ways for me to reduce my stress-levels is to exercise. I don’t mind exercise – in fact, I actually thoroughly enjoy it. I think that the most rewarding exercise is playing some kind of sport. I am not one of those ‘gym’ people, so in order for me to get fit I have to be outdoors.

As I have gotten older I have realised that my enthusiasm for exercise needs to have some kind of goal attached to it. Recently I did some training for a few short adventure triathlons, but the only way I could motivate myself to take part, was to register for the event. Once I had paid my money and sent my form in, then I knew that I had to follow through with the commitment!

Perhaps the Apostle Paul understood something of this when he wrote “I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). His goal was not to take part in any sporting event, but he used the analogy as most of his people knew about competing and training for something.

Paul’s goal was the kingdom of God. He longed for the everlasting crown that will be given to us all when we have finished the journey of this life. His goal was in the future, but he lived his life in such a way as to win the ultimate prize – eternal life in the presence of Jesus.

For Paul, the victory of living a life with Christ was much sweeter than receiving a medal after a triathlon. When I had finished my triathlon I was completely exhausted, but I clung onto my medal as if I had just won an Olympic Gold. This was not because the medal was worth Millions of Rands, but rather because of what it represented for me. It was my proof that I had completed in the journey – that I had swum, cycled and run in a sporting event. It was the evidence I needed to show that my straining and effort had been worth something.

As we reflect on the eternal prize, which we are striving towards, think of how much more we will treasure that spiritual reward. It will be God’s gift to us, to prove that we have run the race, completed the journey of our faith and endured to the end.

By the way, there were a number of times during my triathlon when I wanted to give up. My leg’s hurt and my lungs were battling to get enough oxygen to my heart. The finishing line seemed an impossible dream. However, I took Paul’s advice – I forgot what was behind me and strained towards what lay ahead! Every step forward meant that the race was nearer the end. When, at last, I saw the finish line, the relief overwhelmed me and my body co-operated to get me over the line.

Friends, there are going to be many days when you feel you want to give up in your Christian journey. Things will just seem too hard, or painful or confusing. You will wonder why you even started in the first place! You will think the end will never be in sight. If this is how you are feeling today, please don’t quit. Fix your eyes on Jesus, who for the joy set before him endured the cross.


Lord, give me the ability to preserve on this Christian journey, even when the goal seems so far away.


Read through Philippians 3 and Hebrews 12: 1-3