Thursday 21 January 2010

Love’s fire

The journey of this week’s devotions has taken us from the promise of newness that arises when we allow God to be God within us (Monday), to the risks and requirements of responding to God’s call with obedience (Tuesday and Wednesday). Today and tomorrow, the poems and prayers focus on the beautiful impact on the world of lives that are supple and willing to be used by God.

LOVE’S FIRE by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

after mastering the winds,
the waves,
the tides and gravity,
we shall harness for God
the energies of love.
And then,
for a second time in the history of the world,
we will have discovered fire.

LEAD ME OUT by Ted Loder

Eternal God,
lead me now
out of the familiar setting
of my doubts and fears,
beyond my pride
and my need to be secure
into a strange and graceful ease
with my true proportions
and with yours;
that in boundless silence
I may grow
strong enough to endure
and flexible enough to share
your grace.

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