Thursday 7 January 2010


This week we’re reflecting on the new year in the light of the wisdom of Calvin & Hobbes. Our cartoon today deals with the subject of technological progress, and is very appropriate as we move into a new decade.

Hobbes says, “A new decade is coming up.”
Calvin replies by going on a big rant. He says, “Yeah. Big deal. Where are the flying cars? Where are the moon colonies? Where are the personal robots and the zero gravity boots, huh? You call this a new decade?! You call this the future?? Ha! Where are the rocket packs? Where are the disintegration rays? Where are the floating cities?”
Hobbes replies, “Frankly, I’m not sure people have got the brains to manage the technology they’ve got.”
Calvin continues, “I mean, look at this. We’ve still got weather?! Give me a break.”
Calvin’s wildly inventive 6 year-old imagination of what the future should be like is a tonic, and then his bitter disappointment that none of it has happened is really pretty funny. But there’s also a serious point to this cartoon. Technological progress needs to be carefully weighed, as it’s not always a positive thing – certainly in the way in which it’s often used.
So here’s an interesting question for you to think about today, ‘In what ways does your use of technology (for example e-mail, social networking, mobile applications) actually disconnect you from people?’
There can be no doubt that this technology has hugely increased the speed and ease with which information can be exchanged. But we must be careful not to confuse the exchange of information with authentic connection. It can, of course, lead to authentic connection, but it’s not the same thing.
And so it’s quite possible, and in fact is very common, to make great strides forward in our use of all kinds of technology that promise to better connect us with others, without realizing that in the process we are actually taking great strides backwards in our capacity for truly life-giving relationship.
Maybe it’s significant that when God wanted to connect with humanity, God didn’t send an SMS or an e-mail, but rather sent His only Son. I’m sure you’ll agree, there is a difference.

What could you do today to really connect with someone with whom you haven’t really connected in a long time?


Lord God, in this world of rapid technological progress it is so easy to forget what life-giving relationship requires. Guard us from the dangerous tendencies we all face in this techno-crazed world that is increasingly encouraging friendship without commitment, connection without responsibility and intimacy without truth. Amen.

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