Wednesday 31 March 2010

Day 37 - The Sharing of Water

Reading : John 13:1-20

As we prepare tonight for the service of foot-washing, we dive into the scripture from John where Jesus washes the disciples’ feet.

It is not insignificant that Jesus uses water for this, as it is possibly our earth’s greatest natural resource. Without it, our bodies and our ecosystems cannot function. Without its refreshing, purifying, satiating effects, our souls and our land would be dry and desolate.

We are baptized in water and then reminded of that baptism at various points on our journey, including during foot-washing services, just as we are often reminded of the grace that God constantly washes over us.

But we often take that grace for granted. It is a gift freely and abundantly given, but it is a gift nonetheless – not an obligation.

Similarly, we often take the presence of water for granted in our everyday life. It is always there, and so we seldom take time to appreciate it or think to conserve it.

But we find in the story in John that Jesus serves the people he loves by sharing the cleansing gift of water with them. When Peter protests, Jesus even responds, “Unless I wash you, you have no share with me.” Something mysterious and life-giving is transmitted in the sharing of water.

And so, as you prepare to wash and be washed this evening, think of several other ways in your life that you can extend the gift of water to others.

This might mean working to dig a well in a struggling community. It might mean saving the water in your drain to water house-plants. Maybe it means helping an orphanage or a friend with children’s bath times. Or perhaps, it simply means getting someone who looks thirsty a tall glass of ice cold drink.

Ponder today what Jesus’ gift of water means in your life.

By Joan Brown, osf, from the Ecological Ministry of Social Justice Office in the Catholic Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Prayer of Water

“Be praised my God for Sister Water, who is useful, humble, precious and pure.”
As St. Francis prayed in great gratitude for Sister Water,
we pray in thankfulness for her life-sustaining generosity.
Oh, water, in your mysterious beauty you cause the desert to bloom.
One tiny drop spread, collected with thousands of drops
waters seeds and future harvests to feed us and all creatures.
One tiny drop multiplied quenches our burning thirst.
Our bodies, like the body of earth, are over 75% water.
We are a water people.
We are a water planet.
Oh compassionate God, Creator who breathed over the waters
we seek forgiveness for our mindless use of water.
We beg for wisdom to know how to conserve and cherish water.
We ask for healing for the ways that we disrespect and contaminate our sister.
In this drought time we wait and watch for the gift of rain upon the earth.
We watch and wait for the rain of grace into our souls.
Come free us from hatred, greed, fear, and our lack of love for your gifts upon earth.
Transform us into living streams of water
Flowing green and moist with life, hope and love for earth and all peoples.

We pray this prayer in the name of God who is gracious Creator, Jesus who is Eternal Word, and Spirit who is Wellspring of Wisdom. Amen.

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