Thursday 1 April 2010

Day 38 - Gifts of Darkness & Light

Reading : John 13:31b-35

Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, is often marked by a service of Tenebrae, which means shadows, or darkness.

As the lights are extinguished in the sanctuary, slowly the story leading up to the crucifixion unfolds until the very moment of crucifixion is spoken, and total darkness descends.

As we prepare for this service, we ponder today the gifts of light and darkness. We have often heard news about the current electricity crisis in South Africa, and many of have experienced power outages in the recent months.

For many in poor areas of this country, light in darkness is a luxury, not a consistent reality.

Often in scripture, disciples of Christ are called to be lights of the world. In worship and Christ-centered fellowship, candles are often lit to symbolize the presence of Christ.

In what ways are we being called to bring both physical and spiritual light to the world?

How might we conserve light in homes and workplaces so that power will be available for others?

As we sit in the darkness of crucifixion tonight, ask yourself how you feel. Do you feel scared? Disoriented? Restful? Awkward? Tired? Electrified by the moment? Anxious? Freed? Hopeful?

How might our knowledge that light will come in the midst of darkness affect how we relate to other people and to the world around us?

How might it teach us to love one another, as Christ has loved us?

In many Tenebrae services, one candle is lit at the end to signify that people may go out into the world.

It is the light of Christ. As you think of that small light, picture how strongly it shines, after you have been sitting in darkness for a while.
Questions for reflection:

Reflect here on a personal experience with darkness.

Reflect here on a personal experience with light.

Putting Faith into Action:

  1. Every time you turn on a light or turn off a light today, say a prayer for those who are without power.
  2. Research issues related to the recent Escom crisis. Pray for a godly and just solution to it, and commit yourself to practicing energy conservation strategies.
  3. Pray through this verse in John 1:3-5, asking God to show you how to bring light to the world, both literally and spiritually: All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

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