Friday 9 April 2010

Walking the Emmaus Road - Part 5

Daily Byte

This week we’ve explored in some detail the resurrection story in Luke 24:13-35. It’s the story of two disciples who encountered the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus, and came to recognize that it was Jesus as he shared a meal with them in their home.

The conclusion to this remarkable story is equally remarkable. We read that these disciples got up at once and returned to Jerusalem. The place of defeat and death from which they had fled now held no terrors for them. In fact, it would already have been nightfall, and making the 11km journey back to Jerusalem would have been dangerous.

But for them their entire world had been turned upside-down, or was it the right-way-up, once again. Jesus was alive. He had triumphed even over the powers of death, which meant that there was nothing, absolutely nothing, that his followers need fear. This life-changing, death-defying, world-shaping news was so great that they couldn’t wait a moment more before sharing it with all the others. So at once they hurried back to Jerusalem to share the good news.

In their willingness to extend themselves as messengers of the good news of resurrection, they discovered something wonderful. They were not alone in their witness! Upon returning to Jerusalem they were greeted with the wonderful confirmation that this amazing news, which seemed too good to be true, was indeed true. And they heard further stories of other appearances of their risen Lord.

What an encouragement to us! As we extend ourselves to share the good news of resurrection with others, we will discover that we are not alone in the witness we bear, as we hear other stories of the transforming presence and power of the risen Christ.

Yes, Easter is for sharing. And in sharing Easter its good news becomes even better.

Pray as you go:

Lord Jesus Christ, I recognize that every experience I have of your transforming presence and risen power in my life is not simply for my own benefit, but for the benefit of others also. I pray that you would grow in me a bold and generous spirit that is eager to share the wonderful things of God with others in ways which will be life-giving for them. Help me to live as one of your Easter people, that in my attitudes, my speech and my actions I would point others to you as my life reflects your beauty. I know that on my own this is impossible, but the story of Easter reminds me that with you nothing is impossible. Thank you for hearing this prayer. Amen.

Focus scripture
Luke 24:33-35

They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, "It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon." Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.

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