Tuesday 26 July 2011

SA Treasures: The Ringing Doorbell


Revelation 3:20

Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.


One of the constant components of everyday life here at the Manning Road Methodist Church office is a ringing doorbell. The doorbell of the intercom, which is located at the car park gate at MRMC, is constantly ringing. People come constantly to the gate either asking for warm clothes, for food, for economic aid, or simply wanting to enter or exit as they engage in the daily life of this church. During office hours, a lovely voice replies when the intercom doorbell is rung. This voice politely answers the call at the gate by saying “Hello, may I help you!” After the person who has rung the doorbell hears the reply they simply express the reason why they have rung the bell.

In today’s text we hear a familiar voice that is calling at our doorstep. This voice says, “Listen! I am standing at your door and I am knocking... if you hear my voice and open the door, I will enter into you and we will dine together!” Jesus is always at our door knocking and asking us to listen. Jesus stands at the door of our heart and knocks. Jesus stands at the door of our home and knocks. Jesus stands at the door of our church and knocks. Jesus’ knocks on our doors come in different forms and in varying degrees of intensity. Sometimes you and I hear his voice and willingly and enthusiastically open the door and allow him entrance. At other times however, the busyness of life, the many things that occupy us and preoccupy us tend to distract us from the knocks of Jesus on our door. At times, when Jesus knocks at our door we tend to get irritated and answer unwillingly. Sometimes we simply choose to ignore his call. Sometimes we are quite selfish and only attend to Jesus’ when he knocks on our doors during office hours. When Jesus rings the doorbell of our hearts, homes, and churches we tend to only answer when we have the time to answer. At times, we sadly only open the door to Jesus under our own terms.

I invite you to reflect on the times when Jesus has knocked on your door. Some of us dearly remember and cherish the first time we heard Jesus knocking on our door. We dearly remember the time when his voice was so evident that we joyfully answered and welcomed him into our life. Some of us may also remember when someone in need came to our door and as we served him or her realized that we were actually serving our loving Lord. At one time or another, all of us have ignored Jesus’ knocks on our door. So let us hear his voice today and let us be attentive to his call. The next time you hear someone knocking at our door, the next time someone asks for your help, the next time you have a chance to enter a meaningful conversation, please listen closely. Please be mindful of the fact that it may just be our Lord who is knocking and asking you to deepen you relationship with him through those whom you encounter every day.


Father, we thank you for Jesus your Son through whom you constantly knock on our door. We pray that you make us attentive and sensitive to those who are around us. Allow us to find you in the gestures and conversations of those we encounter in our path. Forgive us for ignoring the voice of Jesus when he knocks on our door at odd hours. Help us always be willing to open ourselves to deepen our relationship with you through him. Amen.

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